
  • Textile Waste Awareness

    Textile waste is a big environmental problem that has been propelled by fast fashion and mass production. The textile industry is one of the most p...
  • Miguel & Hermes. the loom team A.K.A the dream team

    How we began working together and where the journey has led.
  • Callotl Artisans, our partners working in conservation & sustainable development

    Our Coco Collection is made in partnership with Callotl Artisans, an environmental project that targets sea turtle conservation, responsible fishin...
  • Alirio, the warper

    Alirio learned to weave when he was a young boy, he was 13 when his mom bought him his first loom.I watch his hands motion waves as they skilfully ...
  • Inspo: Oceanside Mornings

    This scene is enticing in my eyes, la luz y sombra que se manifiestan en ella, las palmas que cuelgan desde arriba, el azul del mar y lo redondo de las piedras. Las manos que entrelazaron y anudaron el hilo para crear un objeto que te envuelve y suspende, las historias que nacieron, se cuajaron o desvanecieron en este lugar.